Sweden’s large carnivores are now being trophy hunted by the hundreds each year. With government support, but against EU rules. A disaster for wildlife in Sweden, which also threatens to spread to other EU countries and influence changes in EU policy. A story needing to be told. Swedensbigfive.org is designed to help media professionals do that
“Swedens Big Five is an answer to the many requests we get from international media and EU decision makers, all wondering what is happening in Sweden? A useful website with relevant material made available in English, about the systematic and excessive killing of large carnivores in Sweden”, says Magnus Orrebrant, Chairman of the Swedish Carnivore Association.
A massive majority of Swedes want long-term viable populations of all large carnivores. Despite this, Sweden’s government still tries to push predator numbers down as low as possible, following pressure from small, but loud special-interest groups. In 2023, 25% of our bears were killed, and 15% of our lynx.
Sweden’s Big Five provides comprehensive, fact-based information about Sweden’s five large carnivores (including the human) in English. Together with a rich collection of downloadable images, videos, story inspiration ideas, trustworthy links, news, reports and maps. contact@swedensbigfive.org
The overall goal is to stop the excessive trophy hunting of Sweden’s large carnivores, and to work for securing Strict protection status to remain for all large carnivores within the EU.
Sweden’s Big Five is a carnivore protection project, by the Wild Wonders Foundation, in collaboration with the Swedish Carnivore Association and WWI. With support from the Sigrid Rausing Trust.
Wild greetings from Sweden’s Big Five
Staffan Widstrand and Magnus Lundgren