Keeping sheep in, predators out

There are better ways to protect livestock than to kill predators. Predator-proof fencing is one of them.

Trophy hunting of lynx

The licensed lynx hunt starts March 1 in Sweden. A quota of 143 lynx are to be killed in 2024.

Carnivores as money makers

To think about carnivores only as a cost for us humans, is old-fashioned. Why not ask how they can bring business, jobs and income?

Lynx hunt reported to the EU

Sweden’s excessive lynx hunt was recently reported to the EU Commission. A formal complaint was lodged on March 15, 2024.

Swedes like large carnivores

There is a massive popular support for the existence of large carnivores in Sweden, according to the latest official attitude survey.

Europe’s environmental bad boy?

It took Sweden’s large carnivores over 50 years to come back. The country is now drastically bringing down their numbers.