87 lynx to be killed in Sweden
March 1, 2025 is the starting date for an illegal trophy hunt for lynx in Sweden, a Strictly protected species within the EU. 8 out of 10 Swedes like the…
March 1, 2025 is the starting date for an illegal trophy hunt for lynx in Sweden, a Strictly protected species within the EU. 8 out of 10 Swedes like the…
A complaint against Sweden for its excessive yearly licensed hunt of lynx, was filed in Brussels by the Swedish Carnivore Association, stating that “the Swedish lynx hunt violates the species…
"In 2010, there were 30 family groups of lynx in Uppsala county, about twice as many as today. There were not more attacks by lynx on domestic animals back then,…
Large carnivores, including wolves, should remain strictly protected within the EU and have the right to co-exist with humans, say an overwhelming majority of rural residents in a survey conducted…
"The Wildlife management board (Viltförvaltningsdelegationen) of Uppsala County first proposed an unchanged minimum population level for lynx. However, at the board meeting, a majority decided to instead cut the lynx…